Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. Because it’s possible to live an extraordinary life.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? I am writing a novel that takes place in LA in roughly 1965. It’s heavy on the Bogey-Bacall snappy dialogue.
What inspired you to want to become a writer? Music – I used to say poetry, but really it was the lyrics of songs like Gentle on My Mind and Crazy that got me reading poetry which led me to literature.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. Meeting Karen Tse. She is the bravest woman I’ve ever met, and she’s five-feet tall.
If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world.. which would it be? Aleph – by Paulo Coelho
What is your dream cast for your book? For the new one? Keira Knightly (Nina Ferrer), Billy Crudup (CS), Joseph Feinnes (Nina’s husband), Bianca Kajlich (Summer), George Clooney (Mark Canfield),
What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen? King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters? For the current one – the theme from Rocky For the work in progress – “A Taste of Honey” Herb Albert & The Tijuana Brass
What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors? Write – write – write. Be hard on yourself. Set high expectations, then exceed them. Don’t be in love with everything you write. Be a professional. Learn proper grammar, syntax and word usage, so you can take liberties, but know why you’re taking them. Read as often as possible.
If you could choose only one time period and place to live, when and where would you live and why? Florence – The Renaissance
If you could be one of the Greek Gods, which would it be and why? Dionysus – in vino veritas
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Please don’t make me pick. Chicago, no Aruba, no wait Paris, nah too French. Texas? San Diego is nice. I haven’t been to enough places yet to pick.
What is your favorite Quote? “The great tragedy in life is not that we die, but what dies within us while we live.” Norman Cousins
When you were little, what did you want to be when you “grew up”? An actor
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play the lead role and why? George Clooney – so I could walk up to strangers and say, “You’ll never guess who’s playing me in a movie.” The last great movie star.
How did you know you should become an author? It’s the only thing I do well.
Who are your favorite authors of all time? Cormac McCarthy, Joan Didion, Paulo Coelho and did I mention Cormac McCarthy? I also like Pete Hamill.
Can you see yourself in any of your characters? All of them
What’s the craziest writing idea you’ve had? If you mean for a story idea, then my ideas aren’t too crazy. I write about what I feel and what see in the eyes of others.
What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? I don’t listen to advice. It’s wrapped around someone else’s agenda. That being said, I used to drink more than uh, some other people, until I read a line in Pete Hamill’s “A Drinking Life.” He said, (and I might not have this exact, but I was hungover when I read it) “Drinking takes away two important things from a writer: memory and clarity.” That struck me – and may have saved my life.
Hidden talent? I win all staring contests
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