
She peeled the neatly pressed suit from his body and watched, as it fell in a hump on theshiny, black ceramic tile floor. “God, you look sexy,” she whispered. She nuzzled even closerto him and held him tightly, covering his neck and ears with tiny kisses. Her eyes danced withanticipation as she reached down and gently, almost teasingly, caressed him. “Come on, let’s doit right here,” she lovingly said.His eyes slowly traveled up and down every part of her curvaceous body, as he smiledbroadly. “I love it when you’re the aggressor, Tiff. It’s a real turn-on,” he tenderly whispered,as his lips passionately met hers. He placed his hand on her hip, as he gently eased her onto thethick terry towel, where their bodies moved together as one. She squeezed his firm buttocks inher hands, as his pace quickened. Tiffany screamed out in pleasure, as the moment she’d beenlonging for, that deep aching within her, was fully satisfied. Brad drew her close and kissed herwith such passion that she wondered if he wanted to do it all over again.“You want more?” Her voice had a ring of disbelief to it.“I can’t ever get enough of you, Tiff. You should know that by now.” He placed herhand in his and helped her up. “Come on. Let’s get into bed and just see what happens,” he saidwith a devilish tone. “It has to be a lot more comfortable than this hard tile.”“True, but you’ve got to admit that the sex was pretty spectacular, even if it was on thefloor!”“I can’t disagree with that,” he added, as he led her to their awaiting bed. “That’s one ofthe things I love about you. You’re always full of surprises.”Tiffany’s lips turned upwards. “You’re right about that,” she added, as she placed herhand lovingly on Brad’s thigh. With a coquettish tone in her voice, she said, “I think this finalsurprise will really turn you on.” And with those words, she reached over to the night-standdrawer and pulled out a bottle of chocolate flavored body frosting. “Tonight,” shewhispered, “dessert’s on me!”
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